
Temple Beth Sholom: Your Jewish Home in Roslyn — a warm, caring and supportive congregation

What’s Happening

#antisemitism: Empower Yourself to Create a New Jewish Future

Thursday, August 15

Meet Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath, author of #Antisemitism: Coming of Age During the Resurgence of Hate. Samantha will discuss how generational trauma has manifested through internalized antisemitism. Hear personal stories of challenges and hope, and find out...

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What's Happening

One People United

By: Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon
Posted: Saturday, November 18, 2023

Shalom Friends. I feel an incredible debt of gratitude to you for sending me on This Shlichut (mission) to Eretz Yisrael, Medinat Yisrael and Am Yisrael – the land, the nation and the people of...

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Parashat Bereishit - Defending Our Lives

By: Rabbi Cara Weinstein Rosenthal
Posted: Saturday, October 14, 2023

It was supposed to be a good week. This past week was supposed to be a happy one for all of us in the Jewish community – a week filled with the promise of new...

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Parashat Emor: Sanctifying God’s Name

By: Rabbi Cara Weinstein Rosenthal
Posted: Saturday, May 6, 2023

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.” You might remember that quote from the 90’s, when it was the catchphrase of the character Stuart Smalley, played on Saturday Night Live...

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The Greater Whole: Enhancing Inclusion Efforts at Temple Beth Sholom

By: Sharon Solomon
Posted: Tuesday, November 2, 2021

In forward-thinking Jewish and educational communities, it is understood that true inclusion is not simply tolerance, but the wholehearted acceptance of people, regardless of gender, race, class or one’s physical, emotional and intellectual needs. For...

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Suspended in a Miracle

By: Rabbi Alan B. Lucas
Posted: Thursday, September 16, 2021

Yom Kippur Day 5782/2021 Click here to view the video I stand here today thinking back over almost half a century of High Holy Days as a rabbi. In Rabbinical school I had a few...

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