Holiday Experiences for All Ages
The Jewish calendar is filled with opportunities to mark and sanctify time. Each and every Jewish holiday provides us with rituals, gatherings, food, prayers, and symbols to incorporate into our lives as we feel and live the rhythm of the Jewish year. At TBS we are proud to offer so many wonderful holiday experiences for all ages.

High Holy Days – Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur
The beginning of the Jewish year is both a celebration of renewal and an opportunity for deep self-reflection. Join us as we rejoice in the Birthday of the World and turn inward towards teshuva – a return to our better selves.
We offer parallel services, one in our sanctuary and one in our chapel. Both are filled with the spirit of the day, soul stirring sermons, prayer commentary and explanation. Led by our clergy and an experienced team of lay people there is no better way to get the New Year started.
Contact Eileen Bohrer at for information on tickets and temple membership.

Following fast after the holiest days of the Jewish calendar, we turn towards the embrace of our Sukkah. One of the three Biblical pilgrimage festivals, Sukkot offers us the opportunity to reconnect with the natural world and each other as our prayers for a year of prosperity and goodness fill the synagogue and our temporary dwellings, the sukkah. Sisterhood, Men’s Club, the Religious School and the ECC all offer opportunities to spend time in our sukkah throughout the week.
Purchase a Lulav/Etrog set! 516-621-2288

During the darkest months of the year we shine our light. As we light our festival lights and gather for celebrations, we are reminded that Hanukkah offers us the chance to not only remember miracles of old, but to be inspired and empowered to see the daily miracles in our lives.

Costumes, megillah reading, a shpiel, mishloach manot (gifts to our neighbors), and matanot la’evyonim (gifts to the poor) – these are how we celebrate Purim at Temple Beth Sholom. Our gatherings for Purim are filled with families of all ages and stages as we revel in the survival of our people and draw lessons for today.

Pesach (Passover)
Each year we celebrate our liberation from Egyptian slavery with the festival of Passover. To help us get ready for our seders, we offer opportunities to learn about the latest resources to enliven your holiday meals, be they new melodies, new haggadot, novel commentaries, table decoration ideas and more!
Begin the holiday with a siyum (completion of study) on the Fast of the First Born, followed by the burning and sale of the community’s hametz.

Seven weeks after our Exodus from Egypt, we stand together at Sinai to receive the Torah. On the first evening of the holiday we study late into the night at our Tikkun Leil Shavuot. Our clergy alongside laypeople teach on different topics as we once again accept our enduring tradition through study of our sacred texts.