Our Clergy
We pray for a full and speedy recovery from illness of body and soul. Click the request form button below to add your loved one to our communal prayers for healing.
Nurture Your Soul at Our Meaningful and Engaging Services
Temple Beth Sholom offers beautiful Shabbat and holiday Services, daily minyanim and meaningful life-cycle events. Please join us and nurture your soul.
Prayer Services – In-Person and Online

Shabbat and Holiday Services
Our Shabbat and Holiday Services are graceful and meaningful. They are our most formal opportunities to gather as a community to pray.
On Friday evenings and evenings before holidays we gather in our intimate Chapel. For Shabbat and Holiday Morning Services we join together in our beautiful Sanctuary. Both of our prayer venues offer a warm and inviting space for holy reflection.
Daily Minyan Services
At Temple Beth Sholom we are proud to offer Minyan Services in the morning and evening, 365 days of the year. Led by our clergy and a dedicated team of volunteers, we provide a welcoming and supportive community for the daily worshiper, mourner, and those observing a Yahrzeit. Please click on the button below for our schedule of Services.
Help us to “Make the Minyan“…

Family and Children’s Services
Offered on a number of Saturdays throughout the year.

Mishpacha Family Service – Children ages 8 and up
Looking for a fun Shabbat experience for your whole family? Look no further! Join the Mishpacha Family Service for a family-friendly, engaging, and educational experience. Our Services includes prayer, song, Torah, and kiddush geared towards our children ages 8 and up and their parents, siblings, grandparents — the “whole mishpacha!” The Mishpacha Family Service also provides our 6th Grade Vav class the opportunity to begin reading Torah in preparation for their upcoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Come join us for this warm, spiritual, educational Service!
Mini-Minyan – Children ages 0-5
Mini Minyan is our spirited and interactive Shabbat experience for families with children ages 0-5. Join us for songs, dance, games, stories, snacks, and celebration! After our very own Mini Minyan Kiddush, we join the rabbis and the cantor on the steps of the Bima in the Main Sanctuary to help lead Adon Olam for the entire congregation!