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The Rabbi Alan B. Lucas Lecture Series - Meryl Ain

The Rabbi Alan B. Lucas Lecture Series – Meryl Ain

Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 8:00 pm

Location: Temple Beth Sholom

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The Rabbi Alan B. Lucas Lecture Series presents an Evening with Meryl Ain

Meryl Ain’s articles and essays have appeared in Huffington Post, The New York Jewish Week, Kveller, The New York Times, Newsday and other publications. In 2014, she co-authored the award-winning book, The Living Memories Project: Legacies That Last. She is a sought-after speaker and has been interviewed on television, radio, and podcasts. She is a career educator and is proud to be both a teacher and student of history.

Her debut novel, The Takeaway Men, was named Winner by the American Fiction Awards for Historical Fiction on August 2020, less than two weeks after its publication.

Meryl’s latest novel Shadows We Carry is enlightening and evocative, it explores the experience of navigating deeply held family secrets and bloodlines, confusing religious identities, and the scars of World War II in the wake of revolutionary societal changes.

Sponsorships are Available and Appreciated to Support Future Events.

Gold Sponsor: $36
Silver Sponsor: $18

This event is underwritten by TBS Sisterhood.

Book Available for Purchase: $20

Lecture Series with Meryl Ain - 5/23/34

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Price: $36.00
Price: $18.00
Price: $20.00