Darom Adom – Red South Tu Bishvat Seder
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Please join us for the opening of the Darom Adom – Red South Exhibit and Sisterhood’s annual Tu Bishvat Seder.
Darom Adom – Red South
Rabbi Ario S. & Tess Hyams Judaica Museum
The Darom Adom Festival is an annual Israeli festival held from mid-January through the end of February. It marks the beginning of Spring and the re-blossoming of the red Anemones (Israel’s national flower) in the northern Negev.
The exhibit will display the artist’s interpretation during this difficult time. Many pieces were featured in JNFs campaign South at Heart dedicated to rebuilding and bringing resilience to the southern communities.
Mifgash that Matters
Presented by Bat-Sheva Slavin
Israeli society and world Jewry have endured devastating losses since October 7. We have cycled through a range of emotions- anger, pride, despair, disappointments and hope. Bat-Sheva was invited to participate in a unique experience sponsored by the iCenter, Shorashim, JCCA for educators from around the USA and Israel. During the shared time they met individuals, families and communities whose lives were deeply affected, and collectively they pondered the questions: Will better days come? Are we resilient? She will share that experience with you through images and stories.
Tu Bishvat Seder
Is winter’s chill making you long for regrowth and renewal? Join Sisterhood for a Tu Bishvat Seder (immediately following the art exhibit opening) in which we’ll taste the bounty of nature and the sweetness of community. We will explore the meaning of Tu Bishvat and the special relationship between the land of Israel and trees.
Seder led together by Roya Mizrahi and Sanford Berger.
Plant a Tree
As is it customary to plant a tree on Tu Bishvat, a link to Jewish National Fund is provided below. We will learn about one of JNF’s many important projects.
Jewish National Fund
Seder Sponsored by Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom
Although this program is free, sponsorships are available and appreciated to support future programming:
Gold: $36
Silver: $18
Registration required by 2/7/25