Makom High School – Teens Doing Jewish

Makom is the place for teen engagement at TBS. The word Makom in Hebrew means place. Through our various offerings you and your teens can choose a path that is suited to the needs of your child and to their interests. Don’t see anything that sparks your attention? Let us know! We can create it! This is the place for teens to take ownership of their Jewish journey and to explore their own connections to our tradition, to each other, to TBS, to the Jewish community and the world at large.

Register for Makom by logging into your Shulcloud account or calling the Religious School Office at (516) 621-2288 ext.118 or 119. Be sure to secure your spot!

Makom High School’s 6 Pathways to Learning Experiences


  1. Limud (Torah Classes) [2x a month on Tuesdays 6:15-7:45 pm] [$600] led by educators who bring Torah, Jewish philosophy, ethics, and values to modern situations in a casual setting over dinner at the teens’ homes or at TBS.  Limud classes help teens apply Torah to their daily lives and to see the world through the lens of Torah.Pricing: (By registering for Limud-Torah Study you are eligible to participate in all of the programs below.)


  2. ACTIV8! Program [monthly Sunday mornings and occasional Tuesday Evenings] [$100] provides teens opportunities for service projects, social action and community involvement in order to learn about and become involved in important causes in the community.
  3. Atria Leadership Program at The Atria Assisted Living Facility in Roslyn Harbor [monthly Sunday mornings] [$100].  This program allows our Makom teens to plan and facilitate the experience for the 7th-grade “Buddies” program.  Students are also involved in the monthly visits to The Atria and participate in events together with the residents of The Atria.
  4. Madrichim Program (assistants) [Sunday mornings and/or Tuesday afternoons] [$100] for those students interested in serving as a madrich or madricha in the Religious School by helping in the office, working as a teacher’s aide or assisting with some of the special needs students.
  5. Advocacy Program [monthly dates TBD] [$100], is a safe space for teens to delve into challenging topics while exploring their Jewish identities.  Focus is on advocating to drive change, learning where and how they can be more involved in creating a just world and navigating current moral and ethical issues.  Special speakers are routinely invited to address issues and lead discussions.
  6. Youth Group [monthly dates TBD] [$100], strives to create a safe and fun space for Jewish teens to come together while strengthening their identity and exploring the world in an informal and relaxed setting.

When you enroll in Limud Torah Study, please note that all 6 programs in Makom are included in the registration fee of $600.  You may instead choose to enroll in individual programs at $100 each.

Please Note:  Additional $100 Security Fee per non-member family subject to increase as determined by the TBS Board.
(Non-members only. Members are charged a $500 security fee with their dues)

Our Philosophy

Makom – “the place” for teens to forge their own identity.

The philosophy of Makom Hebrew High School is “a place for teens to explore their Judaism in different ways and by different experiences”.

At TBS, the continuation of the journey from Religious School can be found in the Makom Hebrew High School.  Makom Hebrew High School is a higher level of learning which is comprised of three different experiences to choose from.  There is a study (Limud) component, a hands on social action and community service (ACTIV8!) component and a student aide in the Religious School classrooms and office aide (madrichim) component.

The classes led in the Machon Beth Sholom Institute provide a solid foundation in the philosophy, ethics and values of Jewish living.  It is an incredible opportunity to forge a close relationship with our clergy, Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon and Rabbi Cara Weinstein Rosenthal and our incredible staff, Chaim Moskowitz.

These Limud class sessions morph into ACTIV8! offering hands on social action and community involvement led by our talented facilitator, Silvia Kogan.

Madrichim training (working as a teacher aide in the Religious School) brings a more precise and focused involvement into our own religious school community.  The teens serve as assistants to the Religious School teachers and as young role models to our students.  We have monthly training sessions for our Madrichim ranging from child development to CPR training.  This program is facilitated by our Educational Director – Community Engagement & Development, Sharon Solomon.

There is something for everyone in Makom Hebrew High School, whether it is Torah discussions or social action or becoming a madrich – it’s up to you to choose your Jewish path…

For more information you may contact Sharon Solomon for LIMUD Study Component or MADRICHIM Teacher’s Aide at Sharon Solomon

For ACTIV8! information you may contact Silvia Kogan

Contact: Makom High School
(516) 621-2288 ext 118 & 119