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Shabbat Under the Stars

Shabbat Under the Stars

Friday, June 18, 2021 - 5:30 pm


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We are gearing up for an extra special evening! Join us OUTSIDE for an evening of fun and friendship.

5:30 PM: Matt the Music Man
The festivities start early, come sing and dance along!

6:00 pm: Ben’s Deli Shabbat BBQ Dinner
Welcome Shabbat with us, enjoy a delicious BBQ dinner, and feel the Adamcadabra Magic!

7:00 PM: Brick Dedication
Pause to dedicate new bricks laid in our courtyard.

7:15 PM: Friday Night Live!
Then our Kabbalat Shabbat Services will warm your heart and soul.

8:00 PM: Installation of Officers
And before the night is done, our new slate of Officers and Trustees will be installed.

Dinner will be served family-style  – no waiting on line, food will be brought to your table. Please help us with seating assignments by letting us know who will be joining you at your table.

Event Cost: $18 per person/$36 per family
Sponsorships: $54, $100

This event is being generously subsidized by members of our Congregation. Any amount raised above the subsidized cost of the event will be used towards the reopening of TBS.