Officers and Board of Trustees 2023-2024

The management of the affairs of this Congregation is vested in the Board of Trustees. It is charged with and assumes control of all the property of the Congregation; designates the financial institutions wherein the funds of the Congregation shall be deposited; and is responsible for expenditures and disposition of Congregational funds and property. The Board of Trustees generally holds regular meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except July. The Board of Trustees consists of 40 members elected by the membership, including the Officers. Any person who is a member in ‘good standing’ of the Congregation for a minimum of one year prior to his nomination and has been actively involved in the Synagogue shall be eligible for election to the Board of Trustees. The term of office of a Trustee is for one, two or three years and no person will serve as a Trustee for more than six consecutive years. (abridged and adapted from the TBS constitution)


Executive Board

Debbie Dubowsky

Rebecca Altman
Executive Vice President 

Talya Lederman
Vice President of Education 

Michael Mand
Vice President of Religious Affairs

Jared Wasserman
Vice President of Finance

Leonard Bergman
Vice President of Community Engagement

Michael Schor
Vice President of Administration

Alan Goldstein

Jess Drabkin
Financial Secretary

Limor Mann

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees-Term Ending 2026
Lewis Bartell
Elaine Benlevi
David Dash
Jill Dee
Michael Gilbert
Carrie Gordon
Brian Kolin
Frances Schor
Michael Schor
Matthew Weinberg

Board of Trustees-Term Ending 2025
Boaz Ben-Moshe
Janet Faber Cooperman
Billy Goldstein
Ronit Hakimi
Jeffrey Horwitz
Robin Merker
Dana Moskowitz
Steven Palter
David Pollack
Rose Warshawsky

Board of Trustees-Term Ending 2024
Cindy Feldman
Farrah Forrest
Marc Magid
Limor Mann
Michael Margulis
Howard Newman
Morty Schaja
Robin Simonson
Evan Wagner
Madeline Yousefzadeh