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Cards and Games Day

Cards and Games Day

Monday, December 16, 2024 - 10:30 am

Location: Temple Beth Sholom (Rubenstein Auditorium)

  • This event has passed.

Come together for a Hanukkah Games Day. Shop with your favorite local vendors, while we enjoy an afternoon of games and a light meal with our dear Sisterhood and Hadassah friends.
Bring your games, sets and friends! Let us know what games you want to play and who you will be playing with.

Pricing: $72 per player. (No Walk-Ins)

This event is sponsored by TBS Sisterhood together with Roslyn Hadassah.

Sisterhood distributes funds from event proceeds and your generous donations throughout the year to Israeli, American and local charities in need.

Questions? Contact Cindy Katz.

Registration Required by 12/9

Cards and Games Day - 12/16/24

"*" indicates required fields

Price: $72.00
Price: $90.00
Price: $108.00
Price: $126.00
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