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TBS Chanukah to You!

TBS Chanukah to You!

December 10, 2020 - 7:00 pm - December 17, 2020 - 7:15 pm


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8 Nights of Candle Lighting with TBS!

Day 1: Thursday, December 10th at 7 pm
Join us for the Great Latke-Hamantaschen-Matzah Ball debate as Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Rosenthal and Cantor Barnoy face off to determine which is the ultimate Jewish food.
We will conclude with candle lighting at 7:30 pm.
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Day 2: Friday, December 11th at 4 pm
ECC and Religious School families with young children are invited for a special outdoor, in-person candle lighting experience on Friday, December 11th at 4:00 pm with Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Rosenthal, Cantor Barnoy, Morah Jen and Morah Sharon. Celebrate the Festival of Lights with song and celebration as we light our TBS hanukkiah for the second night of Chanukah, weather permitting. Social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines observed. This event is open to the TBS community.
Candle Lighting at 4:15 pm
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Day 3: Saturday, December 12th at 4:30 pm
Say goodbye to Shabbat, and hello to more Chanukah fun, at the Chanukah Melave Malka – our post-Shabbat gathering. Everyone is invited to join us for songs, a Chanukah Kahoot (Trivia challenge), and an all-ages Chanukah scavenger hunt. This is the night to show off your own ugly Chanukah sweaters. Let’s see whose gaudy flashing menorahs and all that bling suits them best.
Mincha/Ma’ariv Services at 4:30 pm
Havdalah and Candle Lighting at 5:15 pm followed by Chanukah fun.
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Day 4: Sunday, December 13th at 4:00 pm
Join Morah Julie and Morah Kim, our Mini Minyan leaders, as they lead the young families of TBS including up to 2nd grade in a Story Time for Chanukah – fun, song and activities for all.
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Then at 6:45 pm
It’s time for Latke Making with TBS Sisterhood! Put on your aprons and take out your frying pans, oil, and potatoes. Learn how the latke tradition developed. Get ready for recipe sharing and cooking demos with some of our local latke mavens!
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Conclude with a Men’s Club with candle lighting at 7:30 pm.

Day 5: Monday, December 14th at 7:15 pm
Join ATID for a Latkes & Vodkas themed candle lighting, with a demonstration of how to make your own Menorah-tini, as well as the kid friendly Menorah-mini.

For Menorah-tini you will need:
Blue Curaçao
White cranberry juice (Ocean Spray)
Fresh lime juice
Lemon slices

For Menorah-mini you will need:
Any blue colored juice drink
White cranberry juice (Ocean Spray)
Lemon slices

We will conclude with candle lighting at 7:30 pm.
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Day 6: Tuesday, December 15th at 5:45 pm
Religious School and ECC families will come together to light the menorah outside in the TBS parking lot and to celebrate. Chanukia Contest winners will be announced at the candle lighting. Families are asked to bring with them their Blessings in a Bag donations of an age appropriate toy or pajamas. Following the candle lighting, we will gather for a fabulous mini concert brought to us by Moreh Chaim Moskowitz’ acapella group “Shir Soul” and topped off with Chanukah treats! This is guaranteed to be a spirited Chanukah gathering. This is guaranteed to be a spirited Chanukah gathering. Social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines observed. This event is open to the TBS community.
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Pre-Minyan Candle Lighting at 7:30 pm.
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Day 7: Wednesday, December 16th at 7:15 pm
Chat with the Chief! TBS President Michael Schor will be sharing Chanukah greetings and leading candle lighting with his family.
Candle Lighting at 7:30 pm
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Day 8: Thursday, December 17th at 7:15 pm
Join our TBS teens from Makom, Activ8, Schecter, USY, and Madrichim as they come together to light the entire menorah aglow with all eight candles shining brightly.
Candle Lighting at 7:30 pm
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