Get Involved
There are so many ways to get involved with the Temple Beth Sholom community! Whether you are interested in reaching out to others through our Chesed committee, would like to serve on one of our many committees, want to engage in our social action initiatives, or want to help out with ritual life, we welcome you and your volunteer spirit! Please be sure to visit our Community page.
Eileen Bohrer, Executive Director at
401 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
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Leadership Opportunities
Looking to get involved with Temple Beth Sholom’s many programs? Interested in exercising your leadership muscles? Get involved with one of our committees! Our many committee groups are a great way to be a part of all of the action and behind the scenes planning!
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of all the Officers and its members shall consult with and advise the President. The committee shall hold regular monthly meetings.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee in consultation with the Vice-President of Community Engagement shall have the responsibility of obtaining, integrating and retaining members. It shall obtain, keep current and make available to the Officers and Trustees, the identity of any appropriate information pertinent to all members.
Program Committee
This Committee in consultation with the Vice-President Community Engagement shall have the overall responsibility for developing and coordinating, year-round programming of social and cultural activities.
Legal Committee
The Legal Committee shall have charge of, and shall provide advice to and consult with Officers and Board of Trustees with respect to all legal matters and proceedings involving the Congregation. The Chairperson of the Legal Committee, or in his absence any other member of the Committee, shall be designated as the Parliamentarian.
Budget and Finance Committee
This Committee in coordination with the Vice-President Finance/Fund Raising shall be responsible for the examination, verification and general review of the books of account and the funds of the Congregation and shall make reports at least quarterly in each year and at such other times as the Board of Trustees of the membership shall request. It shall prepare a proposed annual budget and shall submit such budget to the Board of Trustees at its April meeting. It shall prepare a summary of the budget with such recommendations as shall be made by the Board of Trustees which shall be mailed to the membership with notice of the Annual Meeting. This committee shall propose fees for the use of the Temple’s facilities.
Fund Raising Committee
The Fund Raising Committee in consultation with the Vice-President Finance/Fund Raising shall coordinate and supervise all fund raising events and program. It shall be charged with the responsibility of raising funds and developing an endowment fund.
House Committee
This Committee under the direction of the Administration shall have general charge of maintenance and repair of the Temple buildings and facilities. It shall establish house rules. It shall have the authority to expend or authorize expenditures up to the sum of $2000.00, for any single item.
Board of Education
The Board of Education shall function in consultation with the Vice-President Education. It shall act in overall supervision of the Nursery and the Religious Schools and shall oversee participation in the Hebrew High School program. It shall establish educational policy and standards; it shall review and recommend the school budget; it shall administer and recommend the engaging and discharging of principals, head teachers, teachers and other employees. The Board of Education shall administer and recommend the fixing of salaries and recommend tuition fees and other charges.
Religious Affairs Committee
In conjunction with the Vice-President Religious Affairs and under the direction of the Rabbi this committee shall:
- Learn and then teach the Board of Trustees and the general membership the Conservative approach of Jewish ritual, worship and Synagogue practice;
- Arrange for regular adult worship services appropriate to the needs of the Congregation for weekday, Sabbaths, holidays and special occasions;
- Present for the consideration of the Board of Trustees a set of guiding principles for religious services in the Synagogue and a set of standards for Sabbath, holiday and Kashrut observances on Synagogue premises or at affairs sponsored by the Synagogue;
- Present to the Board of Trustees any proposals for major changes in Synagogue ritual;
- Confer with the Board of Education on those aspects of the Synagogue service and ritual which involve the participation of school children;
- In conjunction with the Rabbinical Committee, arrange and conduct interviews with candidates for positions on the religious staff and present recommendations to the Board of Trustees for filling any vacancies;
- Maintain responsibility for seating arrangements on the High Holy Days and for distribution of Synagogue “honors”.
Security Committee
This committee shall be responsible for the auditing and implementation of security measures for the safety of our congregants, staff, and synagogue building and facilities.
Camp Committee
The Camp Committee shall be under the direction of the Executive Committee. It shall act in overall supervision of the Summer Program and administer its operation. It shall establish policy and review and recommend the camp budget.