Bnai Mitzvah Program
The Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience strives to achieve a level of enjoyment, involvement and satisfaction for the entire family. We focus on the experience of the whole family, and are committed to making the process as smooth as possible.The purpose of the program is to prepare the children for their service while imparting skills to read Torah and Haftarah in subsequent years and to lead parts of the Service. This education begins in 6th grade with a special series that teaches an overview of the cantillation system, the Tropes, which culminates in the child’s turn to chant a portion of Torah at our Shabbat Family Experience, the Shabbat morning family learning Service. Their education is then continued and enhanced by the private tutoring that begins within a year of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date.

Dina Yakar
516-621-2288 ext.111